In a series of polls in 1989 and 1990, most respondents considered the challenge from Japan the more serious.
During the period covered by the survey there were an estimated 11,878 incidents which respondents considered to be assault.
Many respondents, although supporting the analysis of total shareholders' funds, considered that an analysis of its component parts could be misleading.
Another qualm centered on what the respondents considered to be the low "click-through" rates for most online ads.
This was true whether the respondents considered themselves liberal or conservative, and was particularly true among Perot voters.
Hours of language teaching methods varied from 20 to 150, and most respondents considered that all of their course was already concerned with 'language in education/basic linguistics'.
The poll did not find that respondents consider Israel "the greatest" threat.
However, the report noted that the respondents generally did not consider the problem any worse in the Federal Government than in private business.
A Canadian survey found that respondents considered choosing the right investments to be more stressful than going to the dentist.
Our respondents still consider service the weak link of the dining experience.