One respondent to the survey described the directive as the "single most damaging factor affecting training and continuity of care".
Approximately half the respondents described the first stage of the process: how interest in attending courses arose.
One respondent in Nangarhar, whose name was concealed in order to protect his identity, described the impact of the conflict on his fellow Afghans.
There was also criticism of the internal complaints procedures of both building societies and insurance companies, which almost half the respondents described as a 'complete waste of time'.
In supplementary interviews, respondents described what in their view makes a film British.
Among its findings were these: * Thirty-seven percent of the respondents described traffic congestion as "a very serious problem."
Time and time again, the respondents to my survey described the particular individual who initiated them into smoking in precisely the same way.
Only when the respondents described interactions with deaf people did the theme of isolation give way to comments about participation and meaningful interaction.
The poll compared how respondents described their general moods and attitudes on a typical day with their answers to a number of questions about their sleep.
A respondent to one questionnaire describes himself as "a recovering shy person."