Next, respondents expressed concerns that the rewards of marriage were not worth the risk of what might occur (namely, divorce).
On environmental issues, respondents expressed significant support for Mr. Pataki's record.
In 1979, for example, respondents to a Gallup Poll on education expressed very little confidence in the schools.
And though the same respondents expressed more optimism about their own than about the nation's future, many voiced fears for their livelihood.
The larger firms usually had a 'wider range of contacts and resource immediately on tap', but the respondent did not express a preference for them.
Topping the list of attractions that respondents expressed interest in seeing was a peek behind the scenes at things like conservation and renovation.
The respondents subsequently expressed considerable surprise at the sort of problem with which the bureau can assist.
The same Harris Poll found that nearly half the respondents expressed some interest in watching a game.
A few respondents expressed concerns that larger constituencies might compromise the ability of MPs to represent their constituents.