Slightly more respondents favored joint authority by Britain and Ireland.
Responses to the questions are combined to form a composite score which indicates the degree to which the respondent favors morning versus evening.
A recent poll by The Hartford Courant showed that, by a margin of about 6 to 1, respondents favored retaining the Hartford designation.
On that issue, respondents favored the governor over Mr. Curry by 46 percent to 30 percent.
The respondents also favored giving through their own foundation, trust or gift fund.
Other respondents favored new negotiations or other alternatives that were not specified.
In survey after survey, half the respondents favor stronger gun controls - but don't care nearly as much as the 10 percent who want them relaxed.
Typical of the findings in other, similar surveys, these respondents favored repeal by almost three to one.
Respondents in Latvia want private land, with the right to sell as well as inherit, whereas in Central Asia the respondents favor long-term leases from the state.