On balance, each country's respondents felt that housing for the average citizen was also better in their own country, although far more Americans said this.
The questionnaire asked how the respondents felt about a proposed measure to move the 3-point line back and widen the lane.
Forty-four respondents felt that the street should be repaved and made one way.
Despite the apparent popularity of the show, respondents who are aware of the show felt:
But while respondents generally felt that the prosecutors had treated the President "fairly" during his testimony, his avoidance of answering some questions was deemed "appropriate."
So you understand, then, how the respondents must feel about losing their children.
The respondent felt that this indicated dishonesty on Hovind's part and confirmed public suspicions that he never intended to pay.
Many respondents felt that the most effective barriers to change were the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour of senior management itself.
Other respondents felt that there are times when honesty can be a vice.
This time, respondents felt Bush had clearly explained his position by 51-42, a complete reversal of the earlier data.