The normal physiological response consists of four phases.
A device's response also consists of up to 256 frames, and includes its address in all frames but the last.
Their responses to the Gettier problem, therefore, consist of trying to find alternative analyses of knowledge.
The responses from the task consist of a textual name for the response and a state which selecting that response would cause.
If stable, the response simply consists of a repeating series of impulses decreasing in amplitude over time.
The typical response to climate-related disaster has usually consisted of waiting until something bad happens and then scrambling to cope.
The unemployment crisis is the gravest crisis the country faces but the response has consisted of half-measures.
The responses actually consisted of about 600 video clips recorded over a period of three days.
This decisive response should not, however, consist merely of repressive security measures.
In contrast, the functional response consists of a change in conversion efficiency (a) or capture rate (c).