However, the cyclone and subsequent responses highlighted several problems with the way the regional government was set up.
It has received mixed reviews from critics, with most responses highlighting its challenging and free-form composition.
Although, your response has highlighted nicely the denial of those who join the BNP of their fundamental aims and beliefs.
The response highlighted his military record, as well as his history of criticizing the execution of the Iraq War and specifically Rumsfeld.
The response highlighted the magnitude of the United States-Mexico soccer rivalry, which dates to 1934.
But his response highlights some of the realities that govern many marketplace ministries.
Such a response highlights the delicate balance that intelligence agencies face in trying to root out terrorists who may be communicating by the Web.
The mixed responses highlight the range of older adults as well as a lack of awareness to older adults' lifelong learning participation.
Jamaican responses highlighted a sense that women in Jamaica were taking on leadership positions on local assemblies.
This response highlighted the villages' close links to the town of Banbury.