These initiatives, together with long-term economic investments and responsible fiscal budgeting, explain why the city's housing starts, tourism numbers and credit rating have all hit record highs.
The budget legislation and amendment are not really about timely, responsible budgeting.
"Patricia Woodworth has a proven track record of fiscally responsible and conservative budgeting," he said.
Thus, he writes that responsible budgeting involves balancing the desire for goodies like tax cuts and spending with the economic benefits that flow from lower deficits.
Yesterday at Georgetown University, Senator John Kerry delivered a forceful speech on the virtues of responsible budgeting.
Finally, they've got somebody here who's serious about responsible budgeting instead of just talking about it.
And finally, bereft of ideas for responsible budgeting, Labour and its union paymasters are reduced to the politics of fraud.
It will be a test, too, of the Senate's more responsible budgeting to see if its negotiators allow the House to prevail on things like food stamps and Medicaid.
This used to be what Republicans called responsible budgeting.
There is no shortage of positive ones, but responsible and prudent budgeting requires both, especially in times of crisis.