From what I have seen of these planning proposals, they are essentially a mechanism for balancing our need for development with our need for responsible local decision-making.
Sustainable Development is based on responsible decision-making, which considers not only the economic benefits of development, but also the short-term and long-term, Canadian environment and environmental impacts.
In particular, he said, it proved the importance of teaching character traits like responsible decision-making at a very early age.
In fact, this country's leading distillers financed an educational organization, the Century Council, whose purpose is to promote responsible decision-making regarding alcohol and to fight alcohol abuse.
"I strongly disagree with this judgement, which I believe is not in the interests of either child protection or responsible ministerial decision-making," he said.
In a statement read at a news conference on Thursday in Washington, they said: "This victory confirms our understanding of obedience as responsible decision-making.
She fails to gain reader sympathy, for she fails to render evidence of responsible decision-making.
Awareness is an absolute prerequisite for responsible decision-making.
Besides charity, our task is to oversee responsible decision-making based on democratic principles on the part of the African institutions.
After more than six years of legislative work, the directive on consumer credit agreements is a significant step forward in the protection of contractual freedom and encourages responsible decision-making by consumers.