The club didn't issue any names at the time but indicated that the player responsible had been identified.
It thus proved itself a responsible player in city government and set a brave example for municipal officials everywhere who face the same hard choices.
Now your team's coach decided to bench the player responsible for 1 of the 7 exciting plays you'll see this year.
Under the new coalition government, they have turned into a globally responsible player.
Nondealer then becomes the "maker", or the player responsible for making the higher score.
A penalty is also issued against the attacking team if the player responsible for playing the ball, does not play it correctly.
The first baseman is the defensive player responsible for the area near first base.
But as the university's football team ends its two-year probation, the former player responsible for putting it there is ready to end his exile, too.
Osgood was the player most responsible for tonight's victory.
At the same time, it is important to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the key players responsible for managing health risks.