And that, in turn, has encouraged responsible tenants to build a united front against their slothful and irresponsible neighbors.
They were charged with violating a village housing code that held tenants and landlords equally responsible for compliance with safety standards.
We also need facilities such as the one proposed, for people who are not capable of independent living, who need help getting their lives in order before they become responsible tenants.
She said her exclusive listings with landlords rest on her ability to find responsible tenants, a process that many brokers mention.
"I believe we will be able to find a good, responsible tenant because we will be able to deliver it in a stabilized condition," she said.
If the board is required to step in, does it have the legal right to bring in a contractor, fix the apartment and bill the responsible tenant?
It was too small and shabby to attract any responsible tenant, and Underhill wanted to leave it empty.
Complaints from Projects "We are taking families that have not been prepared to be responsible tenants," she said.
Even though they have found responsible tenants for both apartments, Ms. Lee said, their subletting headaches h have not ended.
Could not be a better time, Sir Walter, for having a choice of tenants, very responsible tenants.