In 2003 the previous "M" logo was replaced with a new red-colored wavy line that is supposed to express a flexible and responsive approach to the needs of students.
It's good that the third-party developer community has stepped up to address the platform's limitations with better software and a more responsive approach to filling in feature gaps.
The Patrician's personal guard was not known for its responsive approach to community policing, preferring to cut bits off instead.
The information and recommendations contained in the report provide an excellent basis for building the flexible and responsive approach in relation to Europe which will be required over the next few years.
However, this responsive approach can lead to low external credibility and a favorable bias toward those who participated in the study.
Together these add up to a youth responsive approach.
Film, therefore, acting as an instrument of mediation to promote a more responsive approach from citizens to information and knowledge about Europe and its institutions.
Today, we are demonstrating the responsive approach awaited on the ground, in these times of economic and social crisis that we are all experiencing.
But they shared a responsive approach to text setting, in which the musical materials were continuously reshaped to reflect both the literal meanings and the emotional resonance of the words.
A personalised and responsive approach to individual customer needs which will provide tailored employment and skills support to meet the needs of both customers and local employers.