"The mission of the Randolph County Schools is to educate all students in an environment responsive to their individual needs in order that they may become participating, productive citizens".
A detailed analysis of the emergence of responsive environments as a multidisciplinary phenomenon, nurtured by museums, arts agencies and resulting from self-initiated activities by practitioners working in different cultural contexts.
One concept common to many of FoAM's explorations of growth and transformation in natural/artificial worlds has been that of "responsive environments".
Essentially, within the framework of txOom, responsive environments were created which comprised audiovisual media and real-time media synthesis mechanisms, and which exhibited behaviors and properties similar to those of living organisms.
In an increasing number of cases an installation can be defined as a responsive environment, especially those created by architects and designers.
Named after Dunn's mother, Betty Smothers, the mobile children's bereavement program works to empower youth as they manage their grief in a responsive environment to heal and enhance their quality of life.
The facility's unique design fosters a comfortable and responsive environment for patients.
The Topological Media Lab-atelier develops projects through the creation of responsive environments generated in order to investigate particular phenomenological research questions.
Media Choreography is the art of deciding what media appears when and where in response to the changing conditions of a live event in a responsive environment.
These in turn provide insights into how (and why) certain design approaches work better than others for creating rich rather than complicated responsive environments.