The rest dismounted, some to lead away the heudas, others to unload the tar barrels and pile them across the street.
The rest of them also dismounted and armed themselves with cudgels and staffs.
The rest dismounted and spread across the canyon, shouting and clapping their hands to get the horses moving in the right direction.
The rest of the party rode into the shade of the trees and dismounted.
Around Kirk, the rest of the landing party dismounted the platform.
The rest of the cavalrymen had already dismounted, their job as a battering ram done, and joined the fighting on foot.
Keitel and the rest dismounted from their vehicles and walked into the front door like gods in a bad mood.
A couple of men held the horses while the rest of the party dismounted and waited, carbines at the ready, for further orders.
The rest of them dismounted and passed through the grim doors into the torchlit corridor beyond.
The rest dismounted as well, with several of them swarming the King's mount to pull him roughly to the ground.