Escape from highchair confinement poses potential risks to restaurant decor and nearby diners.
Exposing patrons to secondhand smoke is akin to not providing fire exits because they do not work with the restaurant decor.
Local produce, restaurant décor, and even the type of building you choose can all contribute to a larger yield by taking on local sensibilities.
Earlier seasons included a focus on designing restaurant decor, but have been scrapped in later seasons.
Mounted altogether on a folding screen, the suite has an almost kitschy look, as though it had been made for restaurant decor.
The restaurant decor evokes the 1940's and a theme bar will play old tangos.
How do you account for the restaurant décor or subtle enhancements in the taste of the food?
The restaurant decor will emphasize Italian marble and mahogany paneling.
There seems to be a correlation between restaurant décor and culinary purity: the rougher the edges, the more authentic the food.
And Mughlai, which has been in business for 17 years, is not content with the cliches of Indian restaurant decor.