Most revolving restaurants draw their customers for the view and not the quality of their food.
Not that the restaurants do not draw younger customers.
How many customers the restaurants draw from within the building is an open question.
"I think the new restaurant will draw business to the island, and that's what we need right now," Mr. Pool said.
The hotel's restaurant draws heavily on traditional Umbrian cooking; a meal will cost around $35 a person.
But this restaurant, Yama, draws the people whose primary interest is the food.
"A bar and restaurant on the same floor drew a lot of customers, and they had to pass by me," she said.
Despite the locale, the restaurant draws crowds for its seafood.
Yao's $1.5 million restaurant, open for nearly a year, has drawn mixed reviews, much like its namesake.
As a result, the Zagats can tell which restaurants are drawing the customers and which aren't.