It is a restaurant frequented by a few habitues.
Then, in 1983, Thurman's husband, a short-order cook at a restaurant frequented by police officers, stabbed her repeatedly.
Bangkok has adopted some standards of tipping, especially in restaurants frequented by foreigners.
It's now a restaurant, frequented by nostalgic adults and history lovers.
Even if we try to eat at the restaurants frequented by locals, those locals will be eating something very different at home.
The perpetrators targeted a restaurant frequented by police, killing 22 people and leaving 38 wounded.
The setting for one commercial is a classic steak house, a type of restaurant traditionally frequented by men.
He will never be able to afford the restaurants frequented by Charles Schulz.
The data base did not include a long-established restaurant frequented by General Motors engineers, for instance.
A waiter at a restaurant frequented by several foreign reporters here slipped a note to one as he left.