There is also an on-campus restaurant, Waves, staffed by the college's catering students which is open to the public and allows students to learn catering and front of house roles in a real working environment.
They head to Jack Rabbit Slim's, a 1950s-themed restaurant staffed by lookalikes of the decade's pop icons.
At restaurants staffed by adventurous chefs, the fried green tomatoes may come with leek coulis, and the okra pancakes with blue cheese and wild mushrooms.
H Map This coolly eco- and vegan-friendly restaurant staffed by volunteer waiters is said to be inspired by Kadampa Buddhism.
There will be halls full of toys, a hundred restaurants staffed by gourmets, a thousand taverns serving liquid dreams; halls for seeing, hearing, resting.
I made my way from the building yet again, found an all-night restaurant staffed by surly robot machines, and drank two large coffees with extra caffeine.
PICK-ME-UPS Unless you've reserved months in advance, you may have to forgo the 24-hour marinated veal cheek, but that doesn't mean you have to miss Fifteen, Jamie Oliver's pricey restaurant staffed with fledgling chefs.
From 1970 to 1980, Mrs. Kamman ran her school in Newton in conjunction with Chez la Mere Madeleine, a restaurant staffed by her students.