The province includes such restive towns as Ramadi, Haditha and Hit.
As the government launched crackdowns and military sieges into restive towns and cities, the protests evolved into an armed rebellion.
On their return to Iraq now, the Marines will be dealing with a much more challenging area which includes restive towns like Falluja, west of Baghdad.
It also admitted, contrary to earlier claims, that the Syrian army had not withdrawn from the centre of all restive towns and cities.
There were grenade attacks on the eve of election day in Jaffna and the restive eastern town of Batticaloa.
An American Black Hawk helicopter crashed Thursday in this tiny village near the restive town of Falluja, killing all nine soldiers aboard.
A single week in this restive town illuminated the triumphs and setbacks in Iraq's journey toward democracy.
The American military said that thousands of American, British and Iraqi forces had rounded up 81 suspected insurgents near the restive town of Yusufiya on Thursday.
As negotiations were suspended this evening, dozens of police officers lined the road toward the restive western town of Tetovo, where army troops moved in more equipment.
Three bodies, handcuffed and shot in the head execution style, were found near the restive town of Latifiya south of Baghdad, the local police said.