Watching from the train window Shevek found his restless and rebellious mood ready to defy even the day's beauty.
Though naturally of a serene and even temperament, Inspector Duff was at the moment in a rather restless mood.
Druss wandered along the dark streets of the newly captured city, his head aching, his mood restless.
She was in one of her restless moods when we went riding together.
Do we want to create a restless mood, or a calm, pacific one?
She was discontented with Tuscumbia and slipping into one of her dangerous restless moods.
But Ms. Moss was in a restless mood.
In the restaurant she was in a strangely restless mood, drinking vodka shots and on the prowl.
In the process, he still did not get the feeling of peace and his restless mood continued.
But now, in her present jittery, restless mood, it seemed fraught with danger.