Even with these issues decided, the restoration depends partly on purely personal considerations.
In some states, restoration of those rights may depend on repayment of various fees associated with the felon's arrest, processing, and prison stay, such as restitution to their victims, or outstanding fines.
The very restoration of Vhiliinyar may depend upon what we find here.
Even the restoration of normal civilian trade with the outside world depends on the Security Council's being satisfied with "the policies and practices of the Government of Iraq," a phrase that could mean almost anything.
A successful restoration, Mr. Fiebich emphasized, depends on three critical elements: proper assessment of the job, exacting preparation before the work begins and meticulous applications of material.
Ever since World War II, restoration in and near St. Petersburg has depended on devoted and experienced craftsmen who know the city inside out.
The restoration of the infrastructure and the raising of incomes in this ravaged economy depend on the implementation of sound macro- and micro-economic policies of the new government, including the encouragement of foreign investment.
The monument was stored in the basement of the National History Museum and the restoration depended on the political context.
When my guest was a little recovered I had great trouble to keep off the men, who wished to ask him a thousand questions; but I would not allow him to be tormented by their idle curiosity, in a state of body and mind whose restoration evidently depended upon entire repose.
The Council is well aware of the fact that the restoration of viable political and economic stability in Iraq will depend to a great degree on a constructive stand by neighbouring countries.