The grant is part of a program that its organizers hope will restore other papers in coming years.
And the money could be restored in future years.
The chapel is located north of the town; it was fully restored in recent years by an association that continues to ensure its maintenance.
Some of the old Templer homes have been restored in recent years.
Much of it has been painstakingly restored in recent years.
The beautiful interior has been restored in recent years, having suffered fire damage in 1968.
It was eventually retired to the company's collection and has been restored in recent years to as-new condition.
Buildings from the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries remain standing and have been restored in recent years.
With relative peace restored to Cambodia in recent years, the surrounding bush is quickly reclaiming the place.
Built during the 16th and 17th centuries, much of the fortress has been restored in recent years.