The work, now that he had a chance to do it right, restored a little of his battered self-confidence.
This potion has the capacity to restore the vitality of older men and to those who have become impotent.
And he has wasted little time in beginning the process of restoring good will to the city and, of course, toward himself.
Between 1632-1640 he was known both for restoring the authority of the state and for the brutality of his methods.
By the mid 15th century, restoring both the religious and the political freedom of Byzantium was ultimately an impossible cause.
The Post's restoring of some stock listings would not affect its cost-cutting goals.
The mongrelfolk pray that their god will one day return and restore their days of glory.
The banks say, "Oh well, we're being put under pressure to restore our balance sheets so of course we hoard money.
Starting in the 1990s a works programme started to restore the canal along much of its original route and make it navigable by 2025.
George W. Bush played to this audience in 2000, promising to "restore honor and integrity to the office" of president.