These islands and feral-free and so provide a safe haven of pristine environment on which to restore species that are threatened on the mainland.
Despite unchallenged historical evidence that disciplined conservation can quickly restore species to good health, the councils have dragged their feet and the department hasn't pushed them.
What is the value of your work, compared to the task of restoring lost species to Earth?
The authors proposed that-rather than trying to restore a lost megafauna-conservationists should dedicate themselves to restoring existing species to their original habitats.
Stocking is used to restore native species to waters where they have been overfished or can no longer breed.
English Nature, which advises the Government on wildlife issues, has embarked on an ambitious programme to restore endangered species.
Our objective is to restore species to a fully functioning existence in their ecological setting so that they can continue on their evolutionary pathway.
The Plan can generate additional support for ongoing efforts to restore currently listed species.
It is taking these actions under provisions of the endangered species law that seek to restore species nearing extinction.
They planned to breed them and restore native species to the wild.