Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, who publicly criticized the ground-breaking for the project a year and a half ago, had a cool but restrained reaction this time.
More surprising was the restrained reaction of many Republicans.
Several of those officials said Mr. Lazio's restrained reaction to Mr. Giuliani's medical condition could ultimately make him a more attractive candidate.
For her part, Ms. Messinger, through a spokesman, offered a relatively restrained reaction to this latest development.
Brother Paul had expected a less restrained reaction.
One was sympathy, which Beijing earned for its restrained reaction after losing in 1993 by two votes to Sydney for the 2000 Olympics, delegates said.
The market's relatively restrained reaction reflects a heartening belief that the terrorist attack has done no irreparable harm to the economy or its foundations.
For the rest of our local spies, a somewhat more restrained reaction may be in order.
Hence the police are assumed to be in the right, capable only of restrained reaction to provocation.