Despite this relatively restrained response, fresh turmoil erupted last month.
Senator Specter replied at the meeting that his bill was a restrained response to Judge Dalzell's decision.
Paradoxically, however, the announcement may signal China's decision to keep to a relatively restrained response to developments in Taiwan.
Black's restrained response allows White to play 2.
Washington's recent support of Iraq, and restrained response to Iranian provocation, perhaps lays a reasonable basis for such an outcome.
The size of the protest, despite the open defiance, and the restrained response from the police signalled the beginning of the transition to democracy.
Yet I've never received anything but a restrained and courteous professional response.
The problem, psychologists say, is that one man's restrained response is another's body blow.
For her, it was an extraordinarily restrained response.
By the standards she'd grown used to, that was a restrained response.