Our legal system prevents government from restricting free expression.
But schools cannot restrict such expression on the sole basis that some school officials, students or parents object to the content.
However, courts have also determined that governments can restrict expression to a reasonable time, place, and manner.
Late in development, the same enhancer restricts expression to the tissues that will become the stomach and pancreas.
Pennsylvania and other states moving toward record labeling laws may protest that they are not trying to restrict artists or expression.
In these cells the viral genes that encode envelope proteins have restricted expression.
It must not be used as an excuse to launch us down the slippery slope of restricting legitimate expression.
You should be reluctant to restrict free expression but may require an appropriate appearance at work.
In order to restrict expression to a specific cell type, a tissue-specific or cell-type specific promoter can be used.
A highly conservative political elite enforces laws that restrict free expression and other civil rights.