Perhaps along with this, the ability of central banks to slow the economy by restricting lending has declined, too.
No Cutting Back Currently, the banks are just beginning to restrict lending, without cutting back drastically.
Already some nations are restricting such lending by taxing short-term loans as they enter the country, thus making them more expensive for the borrowers.
In yet another effort to tame the economy, the government raised the banking reserve requirement ratio last month, to help restrict lending.
China has been trying to take the heat out of its economy this year with interest rate rises and tighter credit controls to restrict lending.
This was where the Bank of England requested banks to restrict total lending.
Beijing raised the amount of cash that banks need to hold in reserve in a concerted effort to restrict lending and prevent the economy from overheating.
Given that I'm unsurprised they are restricting virtual lending.
But, on the basis of his record, it would be surprising if he tried to restrict Western lending to the Soviets.
It is too early to tell how receptive Congress will be toward Mr. Seidman's proposal to restrict lending.