In his current state the SK2 probably wouldn't accept any kind of ruling that restricted his authority.
But they say it has gone too far in restricting their authority to prescribe tests, hospital stays or referrals.
After futher complaints by the companies, the Government restricted the Navy's authority to award computer contracts and began an investigation.
Mr. Specter has said there might be a need for a constitutional amendment to restrict the president's unlimited authority to grant pardons.
This action was widely unpopular in Utah, and bills were introduced to further restrict the president's authority.
This energetic prince disregarded the limits restricting his authority under the rudimentary constitution.
The initial draft report was somewhat critical of the labs and centers, whose lobbyists encouraged Congress to restrict the Council's authority.
We oppose the unconstitutional efforts to restrict her authority.
The governor sought to restrict Campbell's authority over the troops.
But in 1605, the new lord deputy, Arthur Chichester, began to restrict their authority.