Restricting caloric and protein intake are the two most common methods.
He has lost 25 pounds, restricting his intake to water, and weighs about 150 pounds.
Proponents recommend a goal of restricting intake by 20%.
"Do you think a beast can achieve those dimensions by restricting its caloric intake?"
Advice to restrict fat intake, particularly cutting saturated fat to improve heart health, remains true for older people who are fit and well.
It's always a good idea to take a multivitamin when you're dieting, since restricting intake may cause you to fall short on some nutrients.
For five days, the researchers restricted the women's caloric intake and had them exercise for more than an hour and a half each day.
He fails to consider that those with a genetic predisposition to alcoholism would be unable to restrict intake to the suggested dose.
People suffering from obesophobia may may restrict their fat intake in their diet as well.
Reducing that area involves restricting caloric intake in combination with regular aerobic exercise to burn off overall fat.