The concept was independently discovered in a more restricted context by Gerald Balzano, who termed it coherence.
Most of these names are jargon, obsolete, or used only in very restricted contexts.
The original Finnish emo occurs only in restricted contexts.
Try to clear our minds, to rethink the possibilities in a less restricted context?
Journalistic opposition and literary activism of the magazine in restricted context.
Senator Vilma Ibarra presents a legislative project to de-criminalize abortion in restricted contexts.
Some lexical units, even though established, are selected only in specific restricted contexts, or in contexts where the primary units would lead to abnormality.
It is a long and complex debate and a solution cannot be found within the next few weeks in the relatively restricted context of the 2011 budgetary procedure.
An agreement reached at the start of July 2006 found a compromise by allowing the use of this name within the restricted context of public transport.
It is used as a free-standing case (i.e., in the absence of a preposition) only in highly restricted contexts in modern Latvian.