They can vary by time of day, area code or country called, volume of calls and restricted membership, as in MCI's Friends & Family program.
The Challoner Club was the only London gentleman's club that restricted membership to practising Catholics.
By the early twentieth century the various chapters had become secret societies with restricted membership.
When the Stamford Historical Society drew its charter in 1901, it restricted membership to what it termed "like-minded people."
This new law, passed in February 1297, restricted membership of the future Councils only to the descendants of those nobles who were its members between 1293 and 1297.
He believed that the League consisted of an excessively restricted membership of war-victors, and that politics too severely limited the Court's powers.
The organization had a highly restricted membership.
It restricted membership to "indigenous British" people until a 2010 legal challenge to its constitution.
They are without statutes or restricted memberships:
Prosecutors said Mr. Giordano operated the site from March 1997 to September 1998 and restricted membership to people who had at least 10,000 pornographic images.