Further legislative restrictions constitute little more than an attempt by the government to interfere further in matters of personal choice and individual freedom.
The new restrictions on successive petitions constitute a modified res judicata rule, a restraint on what is called in habeas corpus practice "abuse of the writ."
I don't see how longstanding restrictions on gray market goods constitutes "the end of used books, music, games."
Bypassing all these restrictions together constitute the expansive term "jailbreaking" of Apple devices.
Such prohibitions or restrictions shall not, however, constitute a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguise to restriction on trade between member states.
But the pharmacist said that any restrictions would constitute discrimination and won his case in 1988 before the New York State Division of Human Rights.
Campaigns typically last just four weeks, during which period all political advertising is banned from the media, without anyone complaining that this restriction constitutes an infringement of freedom of speech.
The restriction of the internet in the inmate's daily lives would constitute a major setback in their daily functionings.
The choices people make, given the information they possess and the restrictions they face, constitute the subject matter of economics.
The new restrictions do not constitute an attempt to move justice backward.