Demonstrations were banned, restrictions placed on the media, and schools closed.
Have the restrictions you've placed on your children's activities changed as they've gotten older?
Those restrictions, which took effect Feb. 21, placed a 75-foot cap on signs in NoHo and other areas.
One man complains that the restrictions placed on residents during filming ruined the children's summer vacations.
Mica suddenly felt lighthearted and free, as though the restrictions placed on her by family and society all her life were no longer there.
States decided what information to include, what restrictions to place on the use of their voter database, and how much the database would cost.
Finally, the guide will explain what restrictions a DRO will place upon you.
The advocates, including the American Civil Liberties Union, want restrictions placed on who has access to the shopping information.
He would not discuss what restrictions his agency would have placed on the Everetts should a trial have been averted.
Even with these legal restrictions placed upon women, they retained some legal capacity.