One city official said that the drop was due in part to the use of more restrictive criteria in assessing cases.
A consortium of universities found this criterion too restrictive, as it did not reflect all the qualities required to successfully study and practise medicine.
Another group, Reporters Without Borders, using more restrictive criteria, counted 81 journalists and 32 media assistants killed, the most since the Rwandan genocide in 1994.
Since June, the Chinese Government has adopted "more restrictive criteria" for issuing passports.
An analysis aimed at providing a summary result in a specific subgroup of subjects will necessarily have more restrictive criteria than one designed to investigate heterogeneity.
But Franklin Zimring, a law professor at Berkeley, believes the commission's highly restrictive criteria will have little attraction for determined death-penalty states.
Furthermore, highly restrictive criteria for eligibility into a clinical trial can drastically limit the representativeness of a study population.
It must only be objective and duly justified - and therefore restrictive - criteria that regulate prohibitions.
Another fundamental element is the demand for new and more restrictive criteria on the formation of political groups which also merits our rejection and strong protest.
It is a question of restrictive criteria, but that does not mean that important events will not be included.