Chelsea were second in the league table at the time, and the result all but ended their title challenge.
It would probably take less than three weeks out of their lives, and the results would end all speculation forever.
But the results of two 1 p.m. games today could end the Jets' season before their game even starts.
The best result was a second place at Silverstone and ended 12th in the teams championship.
The embassy said the results of that evaluation "may end the proceedings."
Under the guidance of the assistant manager the result ended 1-0.
This all results in the Asian man avoiding the hit and the video ends with her walking away.
The result ended in the robot being completely stuck to the floor.
The results for the three-month period ended March 31 compared with a loss of $146.6 million in the quarter a year earlier.
The men's result ended 1-1, with Trent winning 3-1 after extra time.