The new results are consistent with inflation but do not establish it as unquestionable truth.
The result of this synthetic, inclusive approach has established direct connections with many foundational traditions in philosophy.
The results, he said, established "some degree of evidence that there's a difference of behavior" that calls for further study.
The results of schools, founded for them by benevolent individuals in Cincinnati, fully establish this.
The preliminary results of a monumental 10-year Federal study now establish just how harmful this acid deluge is.
The company's results further established a healthy growth trend among telephone companies.
The 5-2 result established a new record for goals scored in a playoff final.
Nevertheless, the good clinical results in the first patient established "proof of principle".
The results of these reports and studies will establish a robust evidence base.
The result, with bed, board and bars close at hand, established a style that has since become familiar at American ski resorts.