With the confirmed backing of the other two opposition parties, this resulted in an election on 23 January 2006, following a campaign spanning the Christmas season.
However, delays in the program resulted in her return to San Diego for local operations, following preliminary trials at Puget Sound.
They resulted from the social and financial troubles following the Hundred Years' War.
Supracompetitive pricing may also result following a period of predatory pricing, which has potential antitrust implications for the predator.
Time resulted in considerable losses in membership for New Providence immediately following the church's rapid growth.
This resulted in an incoherent collection of regulations - following the fact that Australia is a federal country.
The success of the book resulted in the decision to continue the series, following young Laura Ingalls into young adulthood.
Concern regarding legal liability which might result following truthful disclosure should not affect the physician's honesty with a patient.
This resulted in supplemental training for both the two-woman and the four-man event following crashes during the two-man event.
In biological systems, small changes in ligand concentration typically result in rapid changes in response, following a sigmoidal function.