Hazards often result from not following a product's directions.
Neither the Editors of Consumer Guide (R), Publications International, Ltd., the author nor publisher take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information.
Conor's people, including Martin Benbeck (Ron Canada), believe that their colony is so perfectly balanced and tuned that all the accomplishments resulting from following the guiding principles they have lived by for over 200 years would be jeopardized if they evacuated.
Idea One results from following the latest Washington investigation with manic intensity.
Mrs. Alving's is not the noble life which Victorians believed would result from fulfilling one's duty rather than following one's desires.
For example, error might result from following a process or procedure which worked in the past but which does not work well enough or not at all in a new situation.
Used pejoratively, ultra-left generally criticizes positions, especially those the mainstream historical Marxist parties, that are adopted without taking notice of the current situation or of the consequences which would result from following a proposed course.
Some side effects may result from not properly following your diet plan and consuming restricted foods or beverages.