Mr. Clements's spokesman, Reggie Bashur, said the furor over the apparent shift resulted from reading too much into Mr. Clements's statements.
The church was incorporated by Mary Baker Eddy in 1876 following a claimed personal healing in 1866, which she said resulted from reading the Bible.
We shall contend, until directed to do otherwise, that conduct resulting from reading a book has no legal bearing on this censorship trial.
Neither the Editors of Consumer Guide (R), Publications International, Ltd., the author nor publisher take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information.
I read with great interest the letters relating the revulsion and horror of many readers that resulted from reading your article on sexual slavery.
Story truth is emotional truth; thus the feeling created by a fictional story is sometimes truer than what results from reading the facts.
According to The Northern Echo, that resulted "from reading one of her husband's emails".
Erhard's foreword notes: "although this book dramatizes the highlights of the training and attempts to give you the vicarious experience of being at a training, this is a book, and the est experience cannot result from reading any book".