"This could result in 2.9 million fewer jobs being created."
Between 2003-2008 it dispersed $681 million, resulting in a $6.6 billion economic impact return and 41,300 jobs.
Eventually, it resulted in between 88,000 and 100,000 jobs lost.
The Authority predicts that the extended hours could result in 50,000 new jobs.
This resulted in 50 jobs being moved to Ohio.
Its formation resulted in 62 jobs for the community.
The attractive new environment created by the barrage will result in 25,000 direct and 7,500 indirect jobs.
The medical center will see a savings that will result in five new jobs.
Some banking groups have also maintained that it will result in more jobs.
That resulted in 7,000 jobs being brought to the small town, helping it into its boom during most of the early 2000s.