The results of a diagnostic test can influence a person's choices about health care and the management of the disease.
Under the right circumstances, of course, a strong midterm result can directly influence policy making.
But here a secondary result must have influenced the situation in favor of the rats.
The results will influence the decision of the Government about the destruction of the original session recordings.
The results of the auction often influence what many banks eventually pay on money market accounts and certificates.
These results will also influence the types of treatment available.
The auction's results often influence what many banks pay on their money market accounts and certificates of deposit.
For 98 (64%) patients there was no recorded indication that the result of the test influenced subsequent management.
While the transection was not a directly planned investigation of sleep, but the results influenced his future research career very heavily.
However, results can influence a record company's decision about which song becomes an album's debut single.