For one thing, no-one can be sure the killing was not simply the result of a private feud.
The Army Command confirmed four wounded but said the killing was apparently a result of a local feud.
Police believe it's the result of a feud between two Asian families.
But his warning was dismissed as the result of a personal feud.
Reports suggested that the issue was the result of a feud between Muslims and white supremacists.
He added that the attack, which also wounded seven people, might have been the result of a private feud.
A police official said the shooting was a result of a long-running feud between the two.
The bombing was thought to be result of a feud between rival militant groups.
The police were investigating whether the shootings were the result of a feud.
On 6 March 2011 a shooting occurred as a result of a feud between two traveller families.