But now all that may be changing - although not as a result of a shifting economy.
Some of these changes are the result of a changing economy.
The situation is the result of a booming economy that has produced nearly 79,000 private sector jobs in the city over the last 12 months.
It became popular again by the beginning of the 1990s, as a result of an opening economy and society.
But it's the result of a sustained economy, and people are still willing to come out.
The fiscal challenge today is largely the direct result of a failing national economy.
This inequality, it says, is the inevitable result of a modern economy that needs and rewards smart people.
Mr. Williams attributes the activity to the fact that "business is good as a result of a stable local economy," he said.
Further, as a result of a generally healthy economy, employment in service and other industries outside manufacturing firms could increase.
Colorado's rural communities face serious challenges as a result of a tough economy and low commodity prices.