His cannons would have an open field of fire as a result of their more elevated position.
They played an important role as result of their position on either side of these borders.
The settlement grew up largely as a result of its position at a road junction and river crossing point.
If they think they need added protection as a result of their special position, it stands to reason that some others might need the same.
Montenegrin cuisine is a result of Montenegro's geographic position and its long history.
Townsville has several large public assets as a result of its relative position and population.
And it has charged steep fares - what the industry calls a "network premium" - as a result of its dominant position.
As a result of its strategic position, the valley contains many castles, but they are mostly poorly preserved.
Hatra would become an important religious center as a result of its strategic position along caravan trade routes.
The solidarity and cohesion policies could therefore suffer as a result of the Council's position for many years to come.