I saw the results of the first assault over the weekend between exits 51 and 52 on the northern side.
The slowdown in growth since 1970 can be partly attributed to stagnant public investment, a result of the bipartisan assault on "big government."
A roommate raped her, and she was severely injured as a result of the sexual assault.
Taliban forces withdrew from the town as a result of the assault and took up a position further south.
Newspapers printed articles on the alleged rape, while rumors spread throughout the town that Tusken had died as a result of the assault.
The town was depopulated as a result of the military assault.
Mo later discovers she is pregnant as a result of the assault.
As a result of the assault, Wise was sacked by the club for serious misconduct on 2 August.
Neither of the detainees required medical treatment as a result of the assault, he said.
There was, however, as a result of the assault, an... interruption.