But even these preliminary results reinforced the opposition to the proposed change from members of minorities that have been advising the bureau.
This result reinforces that Dulag is indeed a Waray-waray speaking town.
Indeed, the results reported by Knight-Ridder reinforce the importance of broadcast operations to the bottom line.
But the result, he said, would actually "reinforce the radicals."
These results, suggesting that obstetric practice is changing, reinforce the need for regular, complete, and accurate collection of national data.
Davis said the preliminary results of the study had reinforced their faith in the test.
The preliminary results reinforced what many people had suspected about the state of private and public sector housing.
The results reinforce what many adults have long suspected: that young people are whiling away their free time in front of the television set.
The tangible results affect the direct interests of the European citizens and reinforce the Union's overall image.
The results reinforced his growing self-awareness, he said.