The plan would result in the first closure of a grammar school since 1997.
The city's shrinking economy has resulted in a loss of more than 100,000 jobs since 1987.
These actions have reportedly resulted in improved conditions since the turn of the 20th to 21st century.
This resulted in a net loss of seats, and the party's worst result since 1996.
It also resulted the first, albeit slim, government majority in the Senate since 1981.
But critics say that process is often lengthy and has resulted in adjustments for only 26,000 of the 270,000 cases since 1994.
This has resulted in a dramatic increase in water quality since 1993.
This has resulted in a ban on coastal salmon fishing for several years since 2002.
With no single party having achieved an overall majority, the 2010 general election resulted in the first hung parliament since 1974.
This was, however, 20 seats short of an overall majority and resulted in the nation's first hung parliament since February 1974.