Therefrom results an economic energy recovery, amortization times for such systems varying between 2 and 4 years depending on the place of operation.
WOSM explains "Duty to God" as "Adherence to spiritual principles, loyalty to the religion that expresses them, and acceptance of the duties resulting therefrom."
Germany, which is not a party to the Atlantic Treaty, is nevertheless also destined to enjoy the benefits of the security systems resulting therefrom.
The Convention refers to events occurring "on board or in direct connection with the operation of the ship, or with salvage operations, and consequential loss resulting therefrom".
The socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom.
This will best be done by taking a review of society and civilisation, and the consequences resulting therefrom, as things distinct from what are called governments.
Then Daunt told her as gently as he could of the lunch at the Etoile, and Tanner's theories resulting therefrom.
He was therefore not aware of the secret annexe to the Treaty of Westminster (1654) which resulted therefrom.
Within five minutes they were back again to declare that the failure of the dam at Summit Pond and the deaths resulting therefrom were the result of misadventure.
They felt that the limitations placed on the curriculum by the Board was "out of all proportion to the financial benefits resulting therefrom" (218).