Barr continued in a whisper, "But that would not stop me if the results in view warranted the risk.
Later, if early results warrant the step, we will bring that distance down to more ... practical limits.
FDA is evaluating the results of this research and considering whether those results warrant changes to its performance standard for sunlamp products.
But did his results warrant this depiction?
The campaign will run on and off through the end of the year, Ms. Flaherty said, and will return in 2000 if results warrant it.
Preliminary results warranted further exploration, he said.
This may change if results warrant adjustment, such as some minor care and maintenance work completed in summer 2004.
These results warrant larger trials of insulin nasal-spray therapy to help prevent Alzheimer's disease or slow its progression.
They said promising results in preliminary human trials warranted larger trials.
This result has warranted ongoing trials.